April round-up and May sewing plans

April has been an incredibly productive month for me, sewing-wise, although I must admit the blogging has rather fallen by the wayside. That’s partly because of the way I’ve been working (batch cutting lots of projects, then batch sewing all the grey overlock bits, followed by all the grey sewing machine bits, then the black overlock bits, and so on) which meant that I had lots of projects on the go at once, and most things weren’t completed till nearly the end of the month. It’s also because I wasn’t one hundred percent happy with the finish on two garments, and had to redo them until I was happy. That meant I’ve only just been able to get photos of those two projects, but rest assured, there should be plenty of April’s sewing making it onto the blog in May 🙂

Sewing done in April:

L-R: Jalie’s Drop Pocket Cardigan, Gertie Knit Sweetheart Top, Gertie’s Easy Knit Pencil Skirt


Clockwise from left: Daisy’s Striped Skirt, Seamwork Geneva Knickers, Made by Jack’s Mum Speedy Pants Boxers for Gabriel

I also made a black knit school skirt for Daisy, but I don’t have a picture of that one yet so you’ll just have to imagine it. It’s like the striped one above, only, you know, black.


There were a few projects I’d hoped to complete in April but didn’t get done: a grey short sleeved tee and some more knickers, along with a school dress for Daisy. But that’s okay, because I made a couple of extra skirts instead 🙂

I had also hoped to get some materials together for a maxi dress (done and ready to cut), as well as a shirt dress and a Moss skirt. Those last two aren’t at all ready, but I’ve been thinking about the shirt dress so that counts for something, right?!

0 thoughts on “April round-up and May sewing plans”

  1. I had my crazy cutting out sesh a couple of weeks ago [14 things, or maybe 15], and some things got made up very quickly. I currently have 2 pattern-testing dresses on the go, a petticoat for same, 2 corsets, a steampunk skirt, a moto jacket for the missus, a Style Arc top and some pull on stretch jeans. All for me bar one corset and the wife’s jacket. I’m so greedy!
    I love batch sewing, and find cross-threading the overlocker in several useful shades at once saves a lot of changeover. It’s currently sporting 2 black, 1 grey and one blue cone.

    1. Wow, that’s some cutting out session! Puts mine to shame 😛

      So, you have multi thread in the overlocker? Do you find that blends better? I’ve never tried that one. I do have a soft, brownish grey colour that seems to go well with an awful lot of colours, but then again, I went crazy buying overlocker thread in different shades when I first bought it, so I’ve generally got a better match available if I’m willing to rethread. And I totally cheat and tie the threads to pull them through. Never threading that thing by hand ever again if I can help it!

      1. Oh yeah I tie and pull through…but there’s always one that breaks and buggers it up! I heard the tip on multi shades a while back, and it really works [makes the insides pretty too! For some fabrics, I swap out the main seam thread for a better match, but not always, because I’m lazy, and I like a quick fix!
        I sew a lot of purple, and mixing shades of red blue and purple does work for a lot of stuff. I like blues and greens together too, and browns and greens. Meh, I just play! I buy cheap thread from the market, so there are always plenty to play with too.

        1. I’m going to try that sometime soon, but at the moment I’m sewing lots of black and red, so not sure if that would work…

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