Me Made May – week five and final round up

Wow, what a Me Made May it’s been! Only my second year taking part, but I’ve learned a huge amount about my style preferences, my wardrobe gaps and about taking better pics. Here’s this years’ posts in full: Pledge, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4.

And to wrap it all up, here’s the last few day’s outfits, followed by some general thoughts on the whole month.

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Day 29: I wore my freshly made Striped Knit Sweetheart Top for the second day running (don’t judge! It passed the first test of laundry: it didn’t smell or look dirty, therefore it wasn’t dirty). This time I wore it under my needlecord Cleo dress, (fourth appearance) like I’d always planned for this top. Yay, it looked as good as I’d hoped! Continue reading “Me Made May – week five and final round up”

Me Made May – week four

We have truly had ALL THE WEATHER this week, which shouldn’t really surprise me as a Brit living in the West Country, but still, it’s been remarkable. Heatwave days when it was too hot to move, thunderstorms, torrential downpours–we had it all. At least it’s stayed too warm for socks, although the kids seem to disagree. Gabriel gets very upset if we try to put him to bed without socks on, even if it’s 22 degrees C in his room. And then he pulls the duvet over his head /o\

You’ll see some hot weather clothing in this lot, then, and also a couple of new me-mades. How exciting is that?! Okay, contain yourself, people. Let’s roll…

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Day 22: It’s the first appearance for my Colette Aster blouse, teamed up with my rockabilly headtie. Mixed feelings about this top–it’s really comfy in the heat and I love those mother of pearl poppers, but I don’t think it fits right. I decided this one will be relegated to gardening wear in the future. Continue reading “Me Made May – week four”

Me Made May – week 3

This has been a weird week in terms of weather, with a few days of unrelenting rain, wind and now back to sunshine. Okay, probably not that odd for spring in Somerset, but still, it’s made it more of a challenge to put together new outfit combinations (see my pledge here) as not all that many of my me-mades are suitable. I’m really hoping this next week is as good as it’s meant to be so I can break out more of the summer clothing!

Anyway, here’s what I managed to throw together:

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Day 15: Tried to find a good indoor photo location as it wouldn’t stop raining! I’m in the Easy Knit Pencil Skirt again (2nd time) and the Wembley Cardie (also second time). This outfit looked quite dull until I added the chiffon scarf, which suddenly tied everything together.

Continue reading “Me Made May – week 3”

Me Made May – week 2

Well, we had a couple of glorious warm, sunny days this week, but then it got cool and rainy. I suppose I should be glad for the garden, but instead I’m wondering how I’m going to get a chance to wear the rest of my summery me-mades this month!

You can find last week’s outfits here, and details of my pledge here, but now on to week two…


Day 8: I went for three me-mades today, seeing as how two of them were accessories. I teamed up that black Knit Sweetheart Top (second time this May) with my chunky necklace and freshly made rockabilly head tie. Really liked these together, although I did at times wonder if the head tie was giving off more of a housework vibe than the vintage glam I was after! Continue reading “Me Made May – week 2”

Me Made May: week one round-up

This is my second year of Me Made May, and I have so many more garments to choose from this time around! That’s why I decided to up the challenge level to wearing two (or more!) me made items a day, and to try not to repeat any combinations (read my pledge here). It’s totally okay to repeat garments, though. I’m not that well stocked. Maybe next year…

Anyway, I’ve been posting my outfits daily on Instagram (I’m @anna_jo_sews), but thought I’d do a quick round-up on the blog every week, with some closing thoughts. Nothing like a bit of clothes-related navel-gazing, right? 😛

Day 1: My Heather Dress and handknit socks. Liked this combo, but felt at points in the day that the socks were a little too warm. Continue reading “Me Made May: week one round-up”

Me Made May 2017: my pledge


This will be my second year taking part in Me Made May, and I had a blast last year. This is my pledge for this year:

I will endeavour to wear two me-made garments/accessories each day for the duration of May 2017 and to only wear each specific combination once during the month.

I’m also planning to finish up the mother of all crochet projects by the end of May: my broomstick Rebel Lace cardie. I think I need a deadline with this one or I’ll be making it forever!

That’s a bit more ambitious than last year, when I simply pledged to wear one me-made garment/accessory each day. I now have more me-mades to work with, though, and I fancy having a go at combining them in different ways. I’m hoping to find some new ways of styling my me-mades–especially the ones that don’t see as much wear.

I’m also hoping that by forcing myself to wear some of my lesser worn garments, I will be able to evaluate whether they have a place in my wardrobe, or if they need to be refashioned or find a new owner. And over the month I’ll be aiming to come up with some more concrete sewing plans for versatile garments I need to fill the gaps in my wardrobe.

I will be Instagramming my outfits each day (as anna_jo_sews), with weekly roundups on the blog.

Now, I need to work on my plans for April’s sewing. Some versatile pieces that can be combined with lots of other of my me-mades, methinks! And some knickers. That gives me a bit of a cheater easy second item to wear with my dresses–you’ll just have to take my word for it that I’m wearing them 😛

Anyone else planning to take part this year? And if so, what’s your pledge? Feel free to leave a link in the comments 🙂