‘I, Anna-Jo, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’16. I endeavour to wear at least one handmade garment or accessory each day for the duration of May 2016. I also pledge to take photos of each outfit and post them on my blog as weekly roundups.’
So, after a couple of years of wishing I had enough everyday me-made clothing to take part in Me Made May, I’m finally giving it a go. I’m hoping that wearing something handmade every day will prove an enjoyable challenge, and am anticipating the following results:
- Getting a better idea of how to creatively style my existing clothes, both handmade and RTW, using accessories and new combinations. And lots of scarves, probably.
- Getting up to speed with using the DSLR, tripod, and my new garden (moving house on Wednesday–eek!) to take my own outfit pics.
- Using the photographs to help make some tough decisions about which clothes are unflattering and ready to be donated/refashioned.
- Coming up with a summer sewing plan to plug any wardrobe gaps I notice during the month. Practical sewing, not party sewing!
At the moment I’m using the prospect of MMMay to spur me on to finish my long-hibernating brown knitted cardigan, and to get going on a few simple makes I know I could do with. First up are a grey Plantain tee and a brown corduroy Osaka skirt. All fabrics from my stash. Now if only I could spend the next hour sewing, but I suppose I’d better get packing for the move… *Sigh*
*Stares longingly at sewing machine*
*Glares at stack of flatpacked cardboard boxes*
Anyone else out there ready to take up the #MMMay16 challenge?
I am the editor of SQE Magazine (Sewing, Quilting, and Embroidery magazine). I’ve been introduced to the Me-Made-May project and am looking for someone to write about it. I learned you are participating, and I’m inquiring if you’d like to document your experiences for publication in our magazine. Please email me at tonya@vdta.com as soon as possible if you are interested in this opportunity. Thanks much!
Tonya T.
Managing Editor (SQE Professional/Floorcare-Central Vac Professional)