I’ve been inspired by the internet to get on with my mending pile. Yes, it’s been an ongoing ambition for some time now, and I’d got as far as gathering it all together, cataloguing it on Trello, and buying a giant plastic storage box from IKEA to house it all, yet still the pile remained. Albeit safely contained in a plastic crate. Don’t want dangerously unmended items on the loose, now, do we?!
But now I’ve cleared the vast majority of it. What changed, I hear you ask?
Inspired by Melly’s January challenge I divided my mending up into 6 piles, according to what the next step was:
- Needs either cutting or seam ripping.
- Needs a trip into the loft to find some fabric for patching.
- Needs hand sewing.
- Needs pressing.
- Needs the sewing machine.
- Needs the overlocker.
- Needs more thought/trying on before deciding on the next step.