The Ride-Sallie-Ride Dress – a monochrome Sallie Maxi Dress

Oh wow, what a week….

When I wrote my blog post last week I was in a state of extreme agitation and worry about my mum, who has a chronic lung condition and seemed to be in a state of denial over how serious the COVID-19 threat was. I tried to distract myself by writing a post that didn’t acknowledge the situation in any way, and I hope it didn’t seem too frivolous to be posting sewing projects at this time.

The thing is, I think we need some distraction and things to lift our spirits right now (and for the forseeable future). So I’m going to continue blogging my sewing projects. There probably won’t be many party dresses because I don’t think there are going to be many parties this year. There might be more in the way of practical sewing–I can’t buy toilet roll so who knows, I might have to make washable wipes out of fabric scraps!

I’m less emotionally shaken now that I know my parents are self-isolating reasonably strictly, although I’m somewhat apprehensive about having everyone (including my teacher partner Andy, who also has a lung condition) at home ALL THE TIME. For who knows how long?

I think I’ll be going out for lots of runs and get myself fit again. Also sorting out my garden. Silver linings…

Closet Case Sallie Maxi Dress in Lady McElroy crepe jersey

So without further ado, here’s a share of a Minerva post I wrote some time ago, about my joint favourite dress of last summer.

I honestly don’t feel like there’s much more to say about my Sallie Maxi Dress that I didn’t write in the Minerva post, but I can honestly say I’m really looking forward to pulling this one out of storage when the weather heats up. It’s perfect for casual summer wear so I’m sure I’ll be wearing it lots around the house and garden.

I reckon I’ll probably make another iteration of this dress or the jumpsuit this summer as I love it so much. I have already made and shared a jumpsuit version here on the blog:

Closet Case Sallie Maxi Dress in Lady McElroy crepe jersey

The deets

Pattern: The Sallie Jumpsuit and Maxi Dress by Closet Case Patterns

Size: 12

Fabric: Lady McElroy Crepe Jersey Knit in monochrome tropical leaves, provided free by Minerva in exchange for the blog post on their site (there was no requirement to post here)

Modifications: Bit of extra interfacing, but otherwise as instructions specified.


  • Pattern: £10.60
  • Fabric: £0.00
  • Notions: £0.40
  • Total: £11.00

Obviously this would have been more expensive if I’d had to purchase the fabric, but I still think it’s a good value make.

What are you sewing to distract yourself from this whole crazy situation?

Coming Next Week:

I’m currently making a special cardigan for my Mum, for Mother’s Day on Sunday, so I reckon that’s going to be next week’s project. I can’t hug her right now as she’s keeping herself safe, but at least I’ll be able to give her a warm hug in the form of a cardigan! Photos will probably be on me rather than her, for obvious reasons, but I’ll see what I can do.

Until then, keep safe and keep washing your hands!

4 thoughts on “The Ride-Sallie-Ride Dress – a monochrome Sallie Maxi Dress”

  1. Went back and peeked at your first Sallie Jumpsuit and have to say that both the jumpsuit and dress look fantastic and equally comfy. Both fabrics are amazing too.

    1. Thanks, Abbey. I tend to see a lot of solids as I mainly do separates and they work with everything. It’s been lovely to sew some crazy patterns for a change!

  2. I wish I were distracting myself Anna, but… it’s not working. My husband and I found ourselves in Florida when the sh_t hit the fan here in the US. So we had a rather slap-dash (but socially distant) 1400 mile journey home.
    I hear you about breathing/respiratory problems. I traveled south because I had bronchitis off & on since October – which freaks me out.
    Best of luck keeping your littles and loved ones happy & healthy!
    (And wish me luck getting my groove back… Perhaps I’ll tackle those uber scary knits. Hmmm…)

    1. Lodi, I’m definitely wishing you heaps of good vibes and health! Don’t beat yourself up about not sewing. Just do whatever you need to do to comfort yourself. We’ve also been watching a lot of Friends on Netflix!

      Tackling knits would be a good challenge once you’re feeling up to it. I’m contemplating welt pockets, jeans and underwired bras 🙂

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