It’s the time of year for a round up, because there’s something about the post-Christmas period that makes me determined to do better. Eat less chocolate! Exercise more! Enjoy life to the full! And set myself loads of stupid goals I’ll never manage to keep…
Okay, so I don’t manage to sew or blog as often as I’d like to (and I have several unblogged projects waiting), but it’s hardly surprising with a baby around the place. Add in moving house last year and no longer having a dedicated sewing room (and currently house-hunting to buy somewhere, so probably moving again in a few months) and I’m amazed I’ve managed to get anything done. Go me!
Here are my goals from last year, and how I think I did with them:
- Make a selection of dresses and tops in knit fabrics, all with concealed nursing access.
Does two tops and a dress count as a selection? I think so! And better yet, I’ve been wearing them regularly. Except one of the tops (unblogged), but more about that another day…
- Make at least a couple of bras and pairs of knickers to match.
Err, I think I was too ambitious with my first bra project. Learning the technique while trying to deal with all the layers of a nursing bra, while merrily adapting a regular bra pattern? Nope, wasn’t working. I’m saving bra-making for when I’ve stopped nursing, which should be at some point over the next few months.
- Begin to build a foundation wardrobe of versatile, TNT patterns. I shall be following the Wardrobe Architect 2015 Challenge to give me some motivation. I want this to include patterns for a t-shirt, a dress, a skirt, trousers, a shrug and perhaps a jacket if there’s time.
I’ve built a Pinterest board with plenty of inspiration and narrowed down to a few patterns I’m really interested in. And I think the Simplicity 1469 dress/top counts as a TNT now I’ve made it twice 🙂
- Do at least two unselfish makes: a dress for Daisy and a waistcoat for Andy. No point in making much for Gabriel right now as he’ll be growing so fast!
Nope, although if you count knitting, I’ve made Daisy a scarf and almost finished a tank top for her. And I’ve made booties and a nearly-done cardi for Gabriel. I also made a few Christmas presents for others. And I did sew quilts for both children. Andy hasn’t got anything yet, though. Poor Andy!
- Seek out more patterns from the indies and wean myself off my Vogue pattern addiction.
I’ve definitely expanded my pattern horizons, and tried out patterns from Jalie and So Sew Easy. And I didn’t buy any more impractical party dress patterns, so that’s good 🙂
Finish off a few of the UFOs in my sewing room. I’m looking at you, quilts! And you, long brown coat!
I finished Daisy’s quilt! And a crocheted poncho for a friend. The long brown coat still languishes, though. As do the other two quilts…
So, on the whole I think I did pretty well. It’s at least a partial achievement with each goal.
And so, without further ado, here are some rough goals for the next year:
- To make time for sewing and/or knitting/crochet every day. At least 20 minutes. I deserve it!
- To blog here most weeks, even if it’s just a few lines about what I’m up to.
- Continue working with a variety of knit fabrics and experimenting with new techniques for sewing them.
- Continue to curate a selection of TNT patterns for wardrobe staples. I want this to include patterns for a t-shirt, a dress, a skirt, trousers, and a casual jacket/cardi.
- To take part in Me Made May for the first time ever. I should be able to if I can sew a few more garments between now and then. And alter a few of the things that I’ve made already but don’t wear for various reasons.
- To keep on top of the mending/alteration pile.
- Finish off a few more of the UFOs lurking in my bedroom. I’m looking at you, quilts! And you, long brown coat!
- To make more Christmas pressies for my nearest and dearest. I’m thinking bags for some and hand-knit socks for others, and am looking forward to experimenting with different techniques and patterns. Now I’m figuring out magic loop knitting, socks seem much quicker and easier!
- To use up my fabric and yarn stash whenever possible. I’ve decluttered of a fair amount of it this last year, and the stuff left is all what I really like and look forward to sewing/knitting with. Now I just have to pair it all up with the right pattern and sufficient motivation 🙂
I think that’s plenty to be going on with, and hopefully it’s realistic too.
Anyone else setting any crafting goals for 2016?