Phew, it’s time for my final #SewingTop5 post, and I’ve been looking forward to sharing this one: my sewing goals for 2018. In case you missed them, you can find the other posts here:
Now, on with those goals. I’m not doing SMART goals or anything like that as I prefer the more open kind I can reinterpret as I want (less likely to feel like I’ve failed that way!)
These are more… sewing themes for the coming year.
I remember once reading somewhere that to make your outfits look really pulled together, try to include pieces with varying textures, surface sheen and colours. I usually get a good amount of colour variation anyway, and with the addition of jewellery and a bag it’s easy to get that bit of sheen. But texture is a bit more tricky. Most of the items in my me-made wardrobe are made out of smooth jerseys and wovens, but I’ve definitely noticed that when I mix in a handknit or RTW item with texture it definitely makes my outfits way more interesting.
So, I’m on a mission to sew with textured fabrics more often. That can be a bit of a gamble when buying fabric online as it can be really tough to tell what the texture is going to be like, but I’ve now got my next three makes lined up with interestingly textured knits, all from Minerva (pictured above L-R: Crinkle Textured Stretch Jersey, Stripey Textured Stretch Jersey, Textured with Sequins Stretch Jersey – affiliate links)
In the future I’ll be buying more textured knits, as well as wovens like slubby linen and fake fur, and perhaps experimenting with some surface texture in the form of embroidery and applique.

Oh, I badly need some more organisation in my sewing area! It’s not too bad, all things considered, but I want it to be more streamlined and minimal (like the inspiration pic above) so there’s less clutter to get in the way when I want to lay my hands on a specific item. This will be part of a more general household re-organisation, where I’m going to work my way through all the clutter and get rid of as much as I can. I might go through the KonMari method again, who knows? Last time I did clothes, books and paperwork then stalled, but the amount I managed to part with was substantial and I have no regrets about any of it.
I’ll be doing all this before the baby arrives, in case you’re thinking I’ve finally gone completely crazy. I’m going to set a few hours aside every Thursday afternoon when Gabriel is at my parents’, and I’ll tackle it week by week. Hopefully I’ll even get to all the sentimental stuff stashed in boxes in the loft too–that’s going to be the hardest of all to get rid of any, but I’d love to be able to just keep the best things and have them more accessible. Keeping stuff sealed in boxes and never looked at is no good to anyone!
I also want to improve my sewing pattern organisation. I got most of the way through catalogueing my stash on Evernote last year, but have acquired more patterns since and never did get around to entering all of those in books and magazines. I’d love to finish this project this year as it really does help to see what I already have when shopping the stash 🙂
Some of the projects I’ve chosen for my #2018MakeNine challenge will definitely prompt me to learn new skills, and I want this to be the year I try out bra-making, tailoring a coat, and those special things like welt pockets and bound buttonholes that I always admire in fine garments. I also want to work with new-to-me, challenging materials like leather and waterproof fabrics.
I’m going to be a realist here: I might not get much opportunity to sit at the sewing machine once the baby comes along. However, I know from previous experience that I should get plenty of time sitting on the sofa with a baby either feeding or asleep on my lap. So I’m thinking this would be an ideal time to work on some of those other textile crafts I’ve been neglecting for a while, like embroidery, crochet and knitting. They do tend to give me RSI in the shoulder if I spend too long on them, but I’m sure I could manage do do them without injury if I stick to no more than twenty minutes or so at a time.
I’d love to make some cute bits and pieces out of felt for my (eventual) sewing room and next year’s Christmas tree, and those are the sorts of things that are ideal for sewing by hand. I suppose I could also get back into making gifts for people’s birthdays. We’ll see about that one–only if I can keep it fun and not start feeling pressurised by deadlines!
Another reason I want more portable projects is I’m plannning to set up a local sewing/textile crafts group, specifically one where you can bring kids along and there are toys for them, while the grown ups chat and make things. I’ve reached out on a local Facebook group and there’s loads of interest, so now I just have to find a suitable venue and set it all up. Exciting, and something I’ve been meaning to do for years now. 2018 will be the year!
This is all about being more social online. I’d love to start posting more discussion pieces here on the blog and getting to know people better. I should probably start emailing sewists I admire too, but there are so few spare hours in the day! Anyway, I’m planning to make more of an effort to reach out to more sewists–through blog comments, email, Facebook groups and Instagram–as this is a wonderful online community and so supportive. Yay for us!
I suppose if there’s one overarching word that ties all these themes together, it’s EXPLORATION, so that’s my buzz word for the year. Yay!
What would your word for the year be? And if you’ve posted a 2018 goals post, please share!
And I’ll be back on Monday with my monthly round-up post, after which normal blog service will resume (ie, mostly project posts with the odd other thing thrown in, probably about once a week)
Image credits:
Sewing room pic © Yvonne Eijkenduijn (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Bound buttonhole pic © Kelly (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Other pics © Anna-Jo Sews