This project has been a long time coming. An embarrassingly long time. But it’s here now and looking fabulous, so let’s celebrate the completion of my self-drafted faux fur vest/gilet. I’m so pleased that the finished garment lives up to the vision I had in my head!
The main fabric for my faux fur vest was sent to me by Minerva in exchange for a 500+ word review post with 6+ photos over on their site. There is no obligation to post here, but I wanted to. You can find the main review of the gilet/vest (it’s a gilet to me, but I know to most of the English speaking world it’s probably a vest!) here, and a separate post about sewing with long pile faux fur here (both affiliate links). I have to say a big thank you to Minerva here for trusting me with such a fabulously expensive and luxurious fabric (affiliate link). At £83.99 a metre this is definitely the most expensive fabric I’ve ever sewn with (although the sequin fabric I used here wasn’t far behind), and not something I’d ever have paid for myself. That said, I reckon it’s worth every penny as it’s so soft, plush and beautiful. It definitely feels top quality.
Yes, it’s Tuesday so that must mean it’s time for another set of kids nightwear! This time it’s little Lauren’s turn (I blogged some for Gabriel here and Daisy here), and she got a set of PJs made out this awesome campervan jersey. I used patterns from Ottobre Winter 2019 and Winter 2011 issues. Isn’t she just adorable in them?!
Lauren and Seal, her favourite cuddly toy!
This is one of my Minerva makes, made with fabric supplied by them in return for a 500+ word fabric review with 6+ photos on their site. There is no obligation to post here. You can find the main Minerva write up here:
The top was actually billed as a PJ top in Ottobre Winter 2011 (the Toy Dog PJ top, apparently), and the bottoms were just leggings in a larger size with a cuff added. I used the Basic Look Leggings from Ottobre Winter 2019, which are a really good fit on Lauren in the 98 size (a whole size larger than her measurements dictate).
Lauren absolutely loves her PJs and wants to wear them all the time. She’s even worn them on the school run a couple of times as I’ve been unable to persuade her out of them in time! I think part of the reason she loves them so much is the cuteness of the print (who doesn’t love a classic campervan?!) but also it’s down to how soft the fabric is. Honestly, I’m not saying it because I was sent it free: it really is one of the snuggliest, softest jerseys I’ve ever felt. It’s super quality and I would love to have jersey like this in solids or stripes for my own clothes. Minerva sell it in two more gender neutral colourways too, if you’re interested.
On the Sewing Table
I’m currently about to start working on my Heather Dress, and hope to have it finished by the weekend. It probably would already be finished if I hadn’t made myself tidy my sewing area and deal with some of my mending/alterations pile this weekend just gone. Is it just me or does the mending pile grow when you’re not looking?! Anyway, I figured if I can get into a routine of doing one or two mending or alteration projects between every new sewing project then I should be able to power through it all and have a weight off my mind. Some stuff has been in there for YEARS. A lot of it could probably be thrown in the fabric recycling pile, to be honest.
This weekend I returned to use a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt for Daisy, a skirt and a dress for Lauren, and finally a pair of knickers for me. No, seriously. I darned a rip in some knickers. I really am thrifty!
I’ll be back on Friday with the grand reveal of my amazing faux fur gilet. This project has been a year in the making, and I’m so thrilled to finally have it finished with some great photos to share!
Okay, I said I’d be posting a summer make if I didn’t have my Faux fur gilet pics yet (I don’t), but then I remembered that January is an ideal time to think about plans for the year. So let’s have a think about MakeNine 2021!
I’ve been doing MakeNine for a few years now with varying degrees of success (see 2019, 2018, 2017), but even if I don’t make much from the list (life/pandemics happen, after all) it still focuses my mind. Here’s the final grid for 2020’s plans:
I made three out of the nine–the Stella Dress, the Jenny Overalls and the Oslo Cardigan–the last of which I ended up gifting to my sister as it just didn’t suit me.
MakeNine 2021
And here’s the grid for this year:
As you might notice, four of these are repeats from 2020. I still really want to make the Butterick B5526 shirt, the McCalls raincoat (I have the patterns for both in my stash) and an underwired bra (possibly the Cloth Habit Harriet). The Sew Over It Heather Dress is already cut out and ready to sew, so I’m confident that one will be made this year. You can find out more about my plans for each in this post:
This is another recent PJ make for one of my kids (they’ve had a set each this winter). This was Daisy’s turn, and as she’s now adult sized she got to choose patterns from Tilly Walnes’ Stretch book: the Frankie tee and Stella joggers. With a few little adaptations they make excellent pyjamas!
Daisy modelling her PJs in her bedroom, complete with Lottie the cat
This was a make using fabric provided by Minerva in return for a 500+ word post on their site with 6+ photos. There was no obligation to post here, but I like keeping my own record of my makes on my site too 🙂 You can find the Minerva post here which gives more sewing details and fabric info:
While I was initially a bit disappointed to discover Daisy has now grown out of the Ottobre kids size range (they have such cute patterns!) I’ve realised this means I can make her any of my patterns now. And I have lots of patterns! Daisy does need some adjustments making to pretty much all patterns as she has the typical Downs’ Syndrome proportions of wide neck, narrow shoulders, short arms and legs and a tendency to be round in the middle. However, I’m now pretty used to what’s required, just like with the standard adaptations I make for myself, and that makes life easier.
I’m back sharing a very recent make (hooray for catching up a bit!) which I finished at the end of November: my first pair of Closet Core Jenny Overalls. Or dungarees as I prefer to call them. Not sure if there’s a difference, but it sounds less like something you’d don to fix a car. Here’s a pic of me modelling them with wellies on in some local woods:
Proof these are practical: can be worn for a super muddy winter walk (with wellies)
These were made using a fabulous digitally printed canvas supplied by Minerva in return for a post on their site (500+ words) with 6+ photos. You can find that post here, and it goes into some detail about sewing up this pattern. Minerva only supplied the fabric. All thread, notions and the pattern were purchased by me.
Happy New Year! I’ve still got a fair few makes to share from 2020 so I should be posting pretty regularly over the next few months–and hopefully all year if I get into a good habit with it. Here today is a make from August: the Jalie Éléonore Pull-On Jeans in a pretty bold dark floral cotton. Ah, summer!
Oh yeah, I love these! They were made with a linen look cotton supplied by Minerva in return for a 500+ word blog post with 6+ photos on their site. You can find that post here. There’s no obligation for me to post on this blog but I wanted to anyway. I love having this as a diary of everything I’ve made. I keep a sewing journal too, but it’s great to have this as well.